Read case study of Brandon Flowers, experienced Flash sites developer and learn how he uses Flash Optimizer and benefits from its options.
industry: advertising
Using Flash Optimizer in Flash sites developing
Brandon Flowers is a Senior Interface Developer in Blast Radius. Blast Radius is an interactive agency, which helps global brands thriving in the new media landscape by providing hi-end design, strategy and technology. Brandon has been developing Flash sites and banners for 10 years.
Alex Taylor: What challenges made you search for the software of this kind?
Brandon Flowers: We were struggling to get our creative under the KB weight restrictions set us on by major ad hosting providers without losing quality.
Alex Taylor: How did you get to know about Flash Optimizer by Eltima Software?
Brandon Flowers: I was referred to Flash Optimizer after attending a FITC conference here in Toronto.
Alex Taylor: Did you try other products for the same task before choosing Eltima solution? Why did you prefer our product?
Brandon Flowers: I only tried the Flash IDE to optimize graphics in the library.
Alex Taylor: Please, describe how you are using our product now.
Brandon Flowers: Flash Optimizer does an amazing job of compressing pngs. With this in mind, I can safely compile Flash swfs at 100% and know that I can import this massive swf into Flash Optimizer and convert it – using all the available fine-grained controls over shapes, font, and photography – into a highly optimized swf with excellent quality and a tiny KB weight. It’s magic!
Alex Taylor: How did you benefit from using Eltima solution?
Brandon Flowers: Without Flash Optimizer, we would have been unable to produce some of our rich media banners involving png sequences of 3D video as they simply would be too heavy. It definitely allows our creative team to do much more under strict limitations. On our large Flash sites that don’t have any KB restrictions, I still run our swfs through Flash Optimizer to deliver the best possibly experience without having our users get hung up in long loading cycles. Our clients definitely appreciate this speed to their products.